all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 6DH 78 1 53.797203 -0.9247
YO8 6DJ 12 12 53.806134 -0.90715
YO8 6DL 10 0 53.817125 -0.897411
YO8 6DN 4 1 53.819468 -0.901025
YO8 6DP 5 2 53.822873 -0.905737
YO8 6DQ 46 0 53.813435 -0.918337
YO8 6DR 1 0 53.818731 -0.902943
YO8 6DS 5 5 53.802213 -0.916849
YO8 6DU 5 0 53.818327 -0.918873
YO8 6DW 14 1 53.827992 -0.877009
YO8 6DY 1 0 53.780268 -1.045722
YO8 6DZ 31 0 53.816964 -0.915907
YO8 6EB 10 1 53.777595 -1.030653
YO8 6ED 5 0 53.775082 -1.022173
YO8 6EE 4 1 53.794945 -0.984238
YO8 6EF 24 3 53.798217 -0.990657
YO8 6EG 3 2 53.814614 -0.990755
YO8 6EH 8 0 53.765164 -0.959941
YO8 6EJ 4 0 53.763696 -0.944169
YO8 6EL 23 13 53.76226 -0.939245